Past Events
Displaying 1 - 10 of 14-
Workshop on Occupational Health & Safety
Guangzhou | 19 November 2014On 19th November 2014, NEWAsia Solutions Limited organized a workshop on “Occupational Health & Safety” in Guangzhou in cooperation with a leading sport brand for all its business partners of global sourcing entities and subcontractors ...
AFBCF Workshop on Chemical Management Delivered
Dongguan | 18 November 2014On 18th November 2014, a workshop on “Chemical Management & Safety in Footwear Factories” was successfully delivered to 50 participants in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. The workshop was organized by the Apparel Footwear Brands Collabora...
2020 Universal Social Insurance Outlook & Solutions Seminars Launched
Guangzhou, 28 October 2014 | Shanghai, 29 October 2014On 28th October 2014, the seminar on “2020 Universal Social Insurance Outlook & Solutions - Featuring Your Soft Landing Strategy for Social Insurance Transition” was held in the Guangzhou Garden Hotel. This event was organized by the NE...
Workshop on Occupational Health & Safety
Shanghai | 10 September 2014On 10th September 2014, NEWAsia Solutions Limited organized a workshop on “Occupational Health & Safety” in Shanghai.
The objective of this workshop was to introduce the concept and best practice of occupational safety & health ...
Energy Manager Training for Strategic Suppliers
Shijiazhuang | 24-26 June 2014NEWAsia has launched an Energy- Water Conservation Project to help brands and suppliers improve energy and water efficiency, establish a “Clean and Green” marketplace presence. We employ energy and water use audits to assess the plant's cur...
Workshops on Occupational Diseases A-Z
Guangzhou 28 May 2014 | Shanghai 29 May 2014On May 28, 2014 in Guangzhou, NEWAsia Solutions Limited organized in cooperation with the Fair Labour Association (FLA) a workshop on “Occupational Diseases A-Z”.
The objective of this workshop was to help Brand representatives, CSR and...
Workshops on Labor Compliance Assessment & Risk Prevention
Guangzhou, 27 May 2014 | Shanghai, 28 May 2014On May 27, 2014 in Guangzhou, NEWAsia Solutions Limited organized in cooperation with the Fair Labour Association (FLA) a workshop on “Must-know Labor Practice Regulations”. A similar training workshop was also conducted in Shanghai on May ...
MSRL Project Launched
Guangdong | May 2014NEWAsia launched the Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) capacity building project for nearly 200 participants from more than 100 suppliers and local SMEs, comprising textile, dyeing, footwear, accessories, bags, chemical vendors...
Global Compliance Summit
Dongguan | 13-14 May 2014Sumerra hosted the annual Global Compliance Summit from May 13-14, 2014, in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. The summit offered a unique opportunity for industry leader manufacturing brands and their respective suppliers and licensees to...
In-house Training on Structural Safety and Industrial Hygiene Controls
Guangdong | 24-25 April 2014There was a successful in-house training on Structural Safety and Industrial Hygiene Controls delivered to production managers in the footwear-manufacturing sector from April 24-25, 2014 in Guangdong.
The Structural Safety training was con...
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